2020 Classroom Training Schedule

Cost:  $300 per day

DateDayLocationClassadditional info
Feb 3MonThermal, CAIntro to Motec Softwarebefore SRO race
Feb 4TueThermal, CADriver Coaching with Databefore SRO race
cancledMonVIRIntro to Motec Software
cancledTueVIRDriver Coaching with Data
cancledSatBay Area, CAIntro to Motec Software
cancledSunBay Area, CADriver Coaching with Data
cancledSatIndianapolis, INIntro to Motec Softwareafter PRI
cancledSunIndianapolis, INDriver Coaching with Dataafter PRI

Submit the information below to sign up for a class.

14 + 15 =

Don’t see a location or date that works for you?

Email us with your recommendation and we’ll try to put something together.